Growing into a New Century

Helped by the discovery of gold in Alaska in 1896, the population of Seattle flourished, and along with it, Kristoferson Dairy. In succeeding decades the dairy moved to larger quarters, finally building a large plant at 1300 Rainier Avenue in Seattle. With over 50 delivery trucks and several hundred employees, Alfred’s horse and cart delivery business had grown to be one of the most successful in Seattle.
Upon Alfred’s death in 1914, his 23 year old son August Sr. assumed ownership and management of the dairy business (as well as the recently acquired farm on Camano Island). August Sr, and his son, August Jr. followed Alfred’s tradition of business innovation, and they stewarded the continued growth of the dairy throughout the 1920’s to the 1950’s. In 1951, the dairy was acquired by a large regional dairy business. Today, artifacts from the Kristoferson Dairy business such as glass milk bottles, large milk canisters, even marketing calendars from the depression era, all bearing the dairy name can still be found in the Pacific Northwest.